Photography Series Ruhrpott Part Two - the night strikes back

Part two of the Ruhrpott Series. I visited Tiger and Turtle, helped a butterfly, opened the EmptySpace, and yes: I took a lots of sundown photos. It is the atmospheric sundowns in Essen that makes the city a pretty place (at least for about an hour). Therefore this part is "the night strikes back". The photos are in chronological order.

A view from Tiger and Turtle

the loop

Tiger and Turtle is another public installation and landmark on the a slack heap, this time in Duisburg Angerpark.

A view from Tiger and Turtle

Tiger and Turtle

Tiger and Turtle landscape format on the opening weekend.

A view from Tiger and Turtle

from above

Downview from the Tiger and Turtle installation. As this was the opening weekend a lot of people were wainting in the queue.

A view from Tiger and Turtle


Top view of the art installation Tiger and Turtle. The camera is placed in the top of the looping.

A butterfly that has reached its end of live

Rest in peace

This butterfly was laying at our door steps. Its wings were partially burned. We took it in and gave it water. After some time it flue away.

Sundown in Essen showing RWE Tower, Evonic and a blimps

Sundown I

The photos shows a sundown in Essen seen from Huttrop.

Sundown in Essen showing RWE Tower, Evonic and a blimps

Sundown II

Sundown in Essen seen from Huttrop.

Sundown in Essen showing RWE Tower, Evonic in November, winter

Sundown III

In winter sundowns in Essen look different.

Sundown in Essen showing RWE Tower, Evonic

Sundown IV

2nd version of the sundown in winter in Essen. I kind a like both version. Which one is your favourite?

Sundown in Essen showing RWE Tower, Evonic

Sundown V

Another great sundown in Essen, Germany. I love those Ruhrpott sundowns. They are special, kind of. The color composition is so unique.

Winter in Essen, Germany. RWE Tower in the back


Winter in Essen always comes by surprise.

Sundown in Essen showing RWE Tower, Evonic

Sundown VI

this lovely Ruhrpott sundowns. Something I will miss once I went away from Essen. You want to know why I'd like to leave...

Jules in Jules showing their new ponchos at the EmptySpace

Jules in Jules

The "Fill the EmptySpace" exhibition also showed work from Julia Weinstock. She showed a set of ponchos from their "Jules in Jules" brand.

The empty space in Gelsenkrichen. View from the top of the galery


Fill the EmptySpace was an art exhibition I organised in 2013 in Gelsenkirchen, Germany.

Sundown in Essen showing RWE Tower, Evonic

Sundown VII

you already know: I love Sundowns in the Ruhrgebiet. Especially when it showes the small Ruhrhattan in the background

Sundown in Essen showing RWE Tower, Evonic

Sundown VIII

I can't get enough of this. I can't get enough of this. I can't get enough of this. I can't get enough of this. I can't get enough of this.

A crane taking down the N-symbol from the former Norris bank in Essen

Taking down the N

The Norris bank closed in Essen Huttrop at one point, but they didn't take down their logo from the top of the building.

A40 from pedestrian bridge

Speed Daemon

The A40, the highlight of Essen. The place everybody should be proud of.

View through branches of a tree shading the sun

the sun

View through branches of a tree shading the sun

Sundown in Essen showing RWE Tower, Evonic

Sundown IX

ok, I promisse, that is the last one.

Chemtrails in Essen


I did a little bit travelling by bicycle and once came across a small chemical plant. I took a series of about 20 long term insolations.

Ruhrhatten, or the big 3, showing RWE tower and the two evonic buildings

Visit Ruhrhattan

Ruhrhattan is central Essen.

A crosswalk in shades of red at night

Stranger in the night

A crosswalk in shades of red at night

Cuba - Havanna - A street

cuban affairs

Cigars, cars and landscapes. Photos from Cuba, the city of Havana, and Varadero

Shadows on the wall

a Finnish year

On the 25th of May 2016 I moved to Finland with my wife. We live on the countryside near the lovely small town Pälkäne.

Miss Liberty - or what is visible of her

NYC spring

In 2014 I followed an invitation by SolarC³ITIES TH Culhane to visit NYC, Dobbs Ferry. It was the first time I went to the States.

Detail photo of an ant sitting on a plant leave

twenty days and one week

In 2015 we stayed for twenty days and one week in Finland.

A black board in front of a vegetarian restaurant in Dublin, Ireland

the blue flame tour

In 2014 I went to Ireland for protest, permaculture and biogas.

to the north

from Germany to Denmark to Sweden to Finland - by train using a Interrail ticket.

A closer lock at flowers at Stone Barns, New York, USA

the 7 states

In March 2016 Lumia and I travelled 7 US states. We were invited by Solar C³ITIES INC, a non-for-profit organization based in Pennsylvania.

A free wish - falling star during a night in Tamera, Portugal

oh my portugal

Visting Portugal / Tamera ecoVillage in September 2014 on invitation by Solar C³ities e.V. I joined the Blueprint, a group of like minded people…

Sundown in Essen showing RWE Tower, Evonic

Ruhrpott Part Two - the night strikes back

Part two of the Ruhrpott Series. I visited Tiger and Turtle, helped a butterfly, opened the EmptySpace, and yes: I took a lots of sundown photos…